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Nevermined AI Hub


The Nevermined AI Hub (aka AI Hub or Hub) is a set of infrastructure and AI services provided by Nevermined with the intention of making simpler the delivery of AI Agents and services for developers.


The AI Hub provides:

  • A backend API implementing the Nevermined Query Protocol. This backend can provide the REST API for querying any AI Agent. So AI Builders don't need to define and build the API themselves and focus on the AI piece.
  • Access control. Only users that are subscsribers for the Payment Plan giving access to the Agent can send Tasks to it.
  • Dynamic cost of the queries of the users depending on the AI Tasks complexity. The AI Agent can report back the cost in credits of the individual Steps composing the task returning back the cost attribute. The total cost of the task can not go over the maximum cost pre-defined in the task.
  • Automatic accounting for the usage of the Agent. Subscribers sending Tasks to the Agent will be charged in credits for their Tasks. When they use all the credits they have available the access will be restricted, so if they want to continue using the Agent they must topup.
  • Orchestration of tasks. The backend allow AI builders to define their workflow of Steps and receive the Steps to process in the right order. When all the Steps resolving a Task are Completed, the backend will complete the whole Task successfully. If any of the Steps fails, the backend will complete the whole Task as Failed.

The AI Hub is under active development, so new exciting features will be available soon

How an AI Builder can use the AI Hub?

It's very simple. An AI Builder just needs to:

  1. Get their own Nevermined API Key
  2. Install the Payments library in their project
  3. Integrate with the AI Hub to start processing AI Tasks
  4. Register the new AI Agent into a Nevermined deployment