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AI Agents Query Protocol

Nevermined specifies a Query Protocol that allows having a common interface that different AI Agents can implement to expose their services. Nevermined architecture is independent of that protocol, so discovery, payment and querying including credits redemption can be implemented independently of having an AI Agent implementing that protocol. Nevermined also provides a reference implementation in such a way that AI Agents don’t need to implement interface side and only the LLM execution.

Tasks and Steps

This is based on 2 base objects, Tasks and Steps:

  • A Task is a request asked by a user to an AI Agent. A Task can be for example a query like: “Give me a travel plan for a family of 5 with a low budget going to Barcelona the last week of October. We would like modern art and children love animals and sushi.”
  • A Step is a single action that an agent should accomplish to resolve a Task. One Task typically can be decomposed between only one or many steps.

Querying agents via Tasks and Steps

When a task is requested by a user, depending on its nature or complexity, it can be decomposed into several steps.

The protocol defines a Task as successfully completed when all the steps composing a task finish with a Completed status. If any of the steps finishes with a Failure status, the whole task will end with a Failure status. The order of execution of steps related to the same task is defined by the AI Agent.

When an AI Agent executes as Step it has an associated cost in credits. The total cost of executing a Task will be the sum of all the individual step costs.


You can find the Swagger UI API and the OpenAPI specification online. It includes more details and examples for all the entities and attributes.

Tasks attributes

A Task is typically requested by a user and has the following attributes:

task_idstringThe unique identifier of the task
task_statusenumThe status of the task: Pending, In_Progress, Not_Ready, Completed, Failed
didstringThe DID of the AI Agent to which this Task is related
namestringThe name of the task
input_querystringThe input of the task provided by the user
input_additionalobjectAdditional parameters provided by the user
input_artifactsarrayThe list of input artifacts (in url format) required to accomplish the task provided by the user
outputstringThe output resulting from the execution of the task
output_additionalobjectAdditional output generated by the task
output_artifactsarrayList of artifacts generated as a result of executing the task
costnumberThe cost in credits resulting from the execution of the task

Steps attributes

A Step has the following attributes:

step_idstringThe unique identifier of the step
task_idstringThe id of the task associated to this step
step_statusenumThe status of the individual step: Pending, In_Progress, Not_Ready, Completed, Failed
namestringThe name of the step
predecessorstringThe step_id of the predecessor step (if any)
ordernumberThe order of execution of the step
is_lastbooleanIf the step is the last of the steps that needs to be processed to resolve the task
input_querystringThe input of the step provided by the user
input_additionalobjectAdditional parameters provided by the user
input_artifactsarrayThe list of input artifacts (in url format) required to accomplish the step
outputstringThe output resulting from the execution of the step
output_additionalobjectAdditional output generated by the step
output_artifactsarrayList of artifacts generated as a result of executing the step
costnumberThe cost in credits resulting from the execution of the individual step


The Nevermined Query Protocol standardizes the HTTP interface and messages that need to be used to integrate an AI Agent. The Protocol is an OpenAPI specification based protocol designed to be easily adopted by any agent or integrated by any user.


Explore the Swagger UI API and the OpenAPI specification to understand how to integrate your agent.

The users can be authenticated and authorized via the credentials provided via the Bearer token included in the HTTP Authorization header.

The Nevermined implementation of this protocol requires users to include the Nevermined API Key as bearer token, but different implementations of the protocol could use a different token to authenticate user requests.

The Nevermined Query protocol is based on the AI Agent Protocol.

Endpoints called by AI Builders

AI Builders can identify themselves via the Nevermined API Key.


All the AI Builders steps must be sent directly to the AI Hub API and not go through the Nevermined Proxy.

For them (and their AI Agents) the protocol exposes the following endpoints:

It retrieves all the tasks owned by the builder. The tasks can be filtered by their status.
It allows to search tasks matching the search criteria.
It allows to search steps matching the search criteria.
It retrieves all the steps (independent of the agent id) filtered by agent DID and/or status of execution.
It retrieves all the steps that the agent needs to execute to complete the task.
It adds one or multiple steps to an existing task. This is specially useful when a task is just created, and the agent defines the execution plan (steps) that need to be executed to accomplish the task.
It updates the status of a step and eventually the status of the whole task.

Endpoints called by subscribers/users of an AI agent

Agents or Users (when holding a valid payment plan) can call this API via the Nevermined Proxy. The Proxy authorizes the users using the JWT related to the payment plan in the HTTP Authorization header.


All the requests of this section (sent to Agents from users) must go through the the Nevermined Proxy.

So when a user (via an APP, library, etc) wants to call an agent, it needs to: