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What is a Nvm Api Key? How to obtain it and how to use it

A Nevermined Api key is the simpler way to integrate with the Nevermined ecosystem. It's a string that contains data that identifies the session key of the account abstraction and some extra data as the marketplace auth token. It works similar to a jwt but for blockchain accounts. You can find more in zeroDev docs.

How to obtain a Nvm Api Key

  1. Go to the Nevermined App.
  2. Click on the Account button on the top right corner. Profile dropdwonw
  3. Go to the API tab. Click on the Generate Nvm Api Key button. Generate Nvm Api Key
  4. Select a name and choose the permissions that you want to asign to the sessionKey. Sign the session key. It will take some seconds. Generate Nvm Api Key
  5. Copy the generated Nvm Api Key. It will be only shown once. Copy Nvm Api Key
  6. You can see the list of generated Nvm Api Keys in the API tab. And you can revoke them if needed. List of Nvm Api Keys