Nevermined Point of Sales App is available in a production and in a testing environment. Both environments are opened and ready to use, the main difference is in production environment is where users can publish and receive payments with real money.
Testing environment is specially useful for AI builders to start getting a better sense of the Point of Sales application.
In testing environment all the payments are not using real money.
A part of these environments we have Headless Deployments where we don't provide a Nevermined App BUT the underlying network is available. This deployments are specially oriented to Agent2Agent communication and orchestration.
Environment ID | Type | Nevermined App | Marketplace API (Metadata) | Node |
appArbitrum | Production | https://nevermined.app | https://marketplace-api.arbitrum.nevermined.app | https://node.arbitrum.nevermined.app |
appTesting | Testing | https://testing.nevermined.app | https://marketplace-api.testing.nevermined.app | https://node.testing.nevermined.app |
appPeaq | Peaq Production | https://peaq.nevermined.app | https://marketplace-api.peaq.nevermined.app | https://node.peaq.nevermined.app |
appMatic | Production without App | - | https://marketplace-api.matic.nevermined.app | https://node.matic.nevermined.app |
appGnosis | Production without App | - | https://marketplace-api.gnosis.nevermined.app | https://node.gnosis.nevermined.app |
appOptimism | Production without App | - | https://marketplace-api.optimism.nevermined.app | https://node.optimism.nevermined.app |
appBase | Production without App | - | https://marketplace-api.base.nevermined.app | https://node.base.nevermined.app |
appCelo | Production without App | - | https://marketplace-api.celo.nevermined.app | https://node.celo.nevermined.app |
📄️ Production
Production Environment
📄️ Testing
Point of Sales Testing Environment
📄️ Network Fees
Network Fees