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How to create a Smart Subscription

Publishers can use Nevermined to create Smart Subscriptions and receive payments from their users when they pay to subscribe. Smart Subscriptions enable the creation of credits that function as access tokens, and help AI Builders control the access to their AI services / apps / agents.

Creating a Smart Subscription is the first of two steps:

  • First, you create a Smart Subscription.
  • Then, you register your AI web service and you link it to a Smart Subscription that you previously created. This is explained in the web service tutorial.

When you’ve completed those 2 steps, the Smart Subscription becomes an access control mechanism to your AI service.


Remember that you need to have your account configured to accept payments. You can find more information about how to do it here.

If you don't want to read the whole tutorial, you can watch the video tutorial:

Creating a Smart Subscription

You can use the Nevermined Payments App to create a new subscription, as a way to protect the access to your AI service.

Step 1 - Login to the App

Login into the app as we show here.

Step 2 - Configure your account

Enter some basic account information and the prefered payments method, as we saw here.

Step 3 - Open the New Asset page

  • Click on the New button in the top right to go the New Asset page.
  • Then click 'Create Plan'

Step 4 - Add some metadata to your Smart Subscription

Provide a description

We recommend taht you explain what your Smart Subscription gives access to, the access conditions like access duration, etc.

Some examples:

  • A Monthly pass to our OpenAI copilot that summarizes 35 Elvis songs.
  • 1-Year subscription to our Defi Data web service, which indexes from 5 major DeFi platforms.
  • 10,000 credits to access to my Discord server about best AI Coding practices.

Add an image

You can add an image to highlight your Plan. Pro tip: use your company's logo.

Add tags

Tags are optional but can make it easier to search for Smart Subscriptions. Click '+' to add a tag.

Step 5 - Configure Access for a Smart Subscription

Nevermined lets Builders configure Smart Subscriptions with 2 types of controls / access management mechanisms:

  • Limited by usage - Builders control the number of requests that can be made to a service. Every time a user accesses any resouce associated to the Smart Subscription, the usage consumes from a capped amount of credits. When the user consumes all the credits, the subscription automatically expires and the user needs to top up to continue using the service.
  • Limited by time - Builders can specify the duration of the Smart Subscription (1 month, 1 year, etc.). When the time period is over, the subscription automatically expires and the user needs to renew it.

Credit Smart Subscriptions are specilly useful for AI services if you want to protect your AI service against overuse.

Depending on the type of Smart Subscription you want to create, you will need to configure different parameters.

If the subscription is Limitted by usage, you will need to configure:

  • The title of the plan
  • The price of the plan in either fiat (i.e. USD) or crypto (i.e. USDC)
  • The number of credits the user gets when they purchase the Smart Subscription

If the subscription is Limitted by time, you will need to configure:

  • The title of the plan
  • The price of the plan in either fiat (i.e. USD) or crypto (i.e. USDC)
  • The duration of the subscription (1 month, 1 year, forever, etc.)

Click “Next” when you’re happy with the configuration.

Step 6 - Review that everything is okay

Before creating the Smart Subscription, you can review the description, limit conditions and price. Click on “Create” if everything is okay or click on “Back” if you want to modify anything.

Step 7 - Register the Smart Subscription

The Nevermined App will register your new subscription. This will take just a few seconds and once it's done, you will see a success message.

Finish the subscription creation

Step 8 - Add an AI Service to your Smart Subscription

Now, you can move on the next step: adding an AI Service to your Smart Subscription via the following flow: AI Service. Alternatively, you can go to your dashboard to see the new subscription you created.